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It’s summer now what?

For some of you out there summer is a time where your kids are home and things get crazy. For others it may mean you are traveling, hanging at the beach or pool a bit more, or even taking in a couple extra cocktails because well it’s summer. It’s also the time of year where your workout is on vacation as much as you are. I get it not all of us are gym addicts and plan our day around a workout. For those of you who are not let’s look for something more your speed. I am talking about picking a couple of days out of the week where you plan on moving in some way.

Maybe you love taking classes be a you are motivated with someone telling you what to do. If you do not have time to fit in classes find a workout that takes 30 minutes out of your day and do it wherever you. That’s right wherever you are! When my daughter was a baby I had to get a workout in during nap times or first thing in the morning, and as she got older my favorite piece of equipment was the jogging stroller. Now that she is In High school I don’t have quit the same problem, but I do have a busy teenager which requires me to plan workouts no matter what season we are in. 

Some of the ways I stay active in the summer is with paddle boarding, runs on beach or in the neighborhood, At home HIIT workouts, at home and at gym strength training, pool  and more. Some days the workouts are a quick HIIT or sprints, and other days I can spend a good 30 to 60 minutes kicking butt. Notice how I do a lot of at home workouts. In the summer I love being outdoors, and I enjoy combining the great weather and convenience of being at home with exercising. Let’s face it some of us like to play a little hooky from our normal gym routine when we are in summer mode. I am hear to say embrace the summer and create new ways of moving. Now grab your resistance bands and head to the beach for a quick sand workout before jumping in the ocean. 

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